Robert G. Jones, Ph.D.

Affiliation: Missouri State University


Bob (Robert G.) Jones comes from family traditions of service and music. His experiences as a chorister with the Chicago Children's Choir during the Civil Rights Era deeply enriched his views of service to others, and revealed enduring questions he still seeks to illuminate today. As both a scholar and practitioner, Bob has wrestled with ways to manage the intractable intergroup problems of exclusion, emotive perception and responding (both contributing factors of prejudice), family preference, and—for the past twenty years—the human inclination toward social invention. In addition to being our revolutionary adaptive strategy, this inclination to organize ourselves into a spectacular variety of social configurations is at the core of environmental problems, as it has led us to invent means of dramatically enhancing current individual comfort, at the expense of our collective future. His work has become a search to find new ways to manage the psychological factors underlying our social organizing.

Bob has taught, presented, consulted, and published numerous books and articles relating to group management and organizing, including three recent books (Taylor and Francis, Routledge, and American Psychological Association publishers) on Applied Psychology of Sustainability, in the hope that groups of readers will find ways to steer us toward a better future. Understanding and managing emotion, and people's responses to emotion, is central to these efforts.

Bob has served as an elected official, along with extensive volunteer work where managing inter-group boundaries was integral to success. He and his spouse are avid hikers, and he still performs with professional and semi-professional music ensembles, in his home state of Montana and elsewhere.

Books and Book Chapters

Jones, R.G. (2022). Sustainable solutions: The climate crisis and the psychology of social action. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Jones, R.G. (2020). Applied Psychology of Sustainability. NY: Taylor and Francis/Routledge.
Wilson, K. & Jones, R.G. (2018). Performance Appraisal. In The Psychology of Ethnicity in Organisations. London: Palgrave Higher Education, Chapter 4.

Jones, R.G. (2015). Psychology of Sustainability: An Applied Perspective. Taylor and Francis/Routledge, NY.

Jones, R.G. (2012, Editor). Nepotism in Organizations. For Division 14, American Psychological Association, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Frontiers Series. NY: Routledge.

Jones, R.G. and Parameswaran, G. (2005). Predicting the human weather: How differentiation and contextual complexity affect behavior prediction. Chapter in K. Richardson (Ed.), Managing the Complex: Philosophy, Theory, and Applications, I.A.P./I.S.C.E. Managing the Complex book series, vol. 1., Greenwich, CT: Information Age.

Jones, R.G., Levesque, C., & Masuda A. (2003). Emotional displays and social identity: Emotional investment in organizations. In Skarlicki, Gilliland, and Steiner (Eds.), Social Values in Organizations. Greenwich, CT: Information Age.

Jones, R.G. & Rittman, A. (2002). A model of emotional and motivational components of interpersonal interactions in organizations. In N. Ashkanasy, C. Hartel, & W. Zerbe (Eds.), Managing Emotions in the Workplace, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

Anderson, L. & Jones, R.G. (2000). Affective, cognitive, and behavioral acceptance of feedback: Individual difference moderators. In Ashkanasy, Hartel, & Zerbe (Eds.), Emotions in Organizational Life. Westport, CT: Quorum.

Jones, R.G., Stevens, M.J., & Fischer, D.L. (2000). Selection in team contexts. In J.F. Kehoe (Ed.), Managing Selection in Changing Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, for SIOP Practitioner Series.

Klimoski, R.J. & Jones, R.G. (1995). Staffing for effective group decision making: Key issues in matching people and teams. In R. Guzzo & E. Salas (Eds.), Team Effectiveness and Decision Making in Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass for SIOP Frontiers Series.

Refereed Publications

Jones, R.G. (2023). Organizational Psychology Should Be a Leading Force for Sustainability. The Industrial and Organizational Psychologist, Summer.

Nadler, J.T., Lowery, M., Grebinoski, J., & Jones, R.G. (2015). Aversive discrimination in employment interviews: Reducing effects of sexual orientation bias with accountability and egalitarian norms. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1, 480-488.

Jones, R.G. & Stout, T. (2015). Policing nepotism and cronyism without losing the value of social connection. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 8(1). Focal article.

Jones, R.G. & Wilson, K.Y. (2013). Prescription before careful diagnosis. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 6, 485-489. Commentary.

Jones, R.G. & Culbertson, S.S. (2011). Why Performance Management Will Remain Broken: Authoritarian Communication. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 4, 179-180. Commentary.

Wilson, K. & Jones, R.G. (2008). Understanding and reducing stereotyping in performance appraisals: Recommendations from the UK. Journal of General Management, 32, Winter, 57-70.

Jones, R.G. & Born, M.Ph. (2008). Assessor constructs in use as the missing component in validation of assessment center dimensions: A critique and directions for research. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 16, 229-238.

Klimoski, R.J. & Jones, R.G. (2008). Intuiting the selection context. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1(3), 352-354. Commentary.

Jones, R.G. and Klimoski, R.J. (2008). Narrow standards for efficacy and the research playground: Why either/or conclusions don’t help. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1(1), 147-149. Commentary.

Jones, R.G., Stout, T., Harder, B., Levine, E., Levine, J., & Sanchez, J.I. (2008). Personnel psychology and nepotism: Should we support anti-nepotism policies? The Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, 45(3), 17-20.

Youngcourt, S. S., Leiva, P. I., & Jones, R. G. (2007). Perceived purposes of performance appraisal: Correlates of individual- and position-focused purposes. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 18, 315-343.

Jones, R.G., Chomiak, M., Rittman, A., & Green, T. (2006). Distinguishing motive through perception of emotions. Psichothema, 18, 67-71.

Jones, R.G., Fleenor, J., and Summers, L. (2004). Book reviews and scientist-practitioner currency: A critical lever. The Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, 41(4), April.

Demtschenko, S. & Jones, R.G. (2002). New information technology and global I-O psychology international on-line forums. The Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, 40(2), October.

Jones, R.G., Sanchez, J.I., Phelps, J., Parameswaran, G., Shoptaugh, C., Williams, M., & White, S. (2001). Selection or training? A 2-fold test of the validity of job-analytic ratings of trainability. Journal of Business and Psychology, 15, 363-9.

Kirkman, B.L., Jones, R.G., & Shapiro, D.L. (2000). Why do employees resist teams? Examining the resistance barrier to work team effectiveness. International Journal for Conflict Management, 11, 74-92.

Jones, R.G. & Lindley, W. (1998). Issues in the transition to teams. Journal of Business and Psychology, 13, 31-40.

Jones, R.G. (1997). Statistical and methodological reasoning: A protection against media predation. SMSU Journal of Public Affairs, 1, 43-51.

Jones, R.G. (1997). A person perception explanation for validation evidence from assessment centers. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 12, 169-178. Special edition on Assessment Centers.

Jones, R.G. & Whitmore, M.D. (1995). Evaluating developmental assessment centers as interventions. Personnel Psychology, 48(2), 377-388.

Jones, R.G. (1992). Construct validation of assessment center final dimension ratings: Definition and measurement issues. Human Resources Management Review, 3(2), 195-220.

Jones, R.G. & Klimoski, R.J. (1991). Excellence of academic institutions as reflected by backgrounds of editorial board members. The Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, 28(3), 57-63.

Book entries

Jones, R.G. (2023). An Applied Approach to Psychology of Sustainability. Entry for Oxford Encyclopedia of Psychology. NY: Oxford University Press (peer reviewed).

Jones, R.G. (2017). An Applied Approach to Psychology of Sustainability. Entry for Oxford Encyclopedia of Psychology. NY: Oxford University Press (peer reviewed).

Jones, R.G. and Willis, D. (2016). Organizational Implications of Climate Change. Entry for Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Jones, R.G. (2016). Corporate Ethics. Entry for Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Jones, R.G. (2006). Corporate Ethics. Entry for Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Jones, R.G. (2006). Nepotism. Entry for Encyclopedia of Career Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.








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