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Shailendra Singh, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Management - Lucknow |
BiographyShailendra Singh (b. 1959) is Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Dean of Research at Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India. He teaches Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Development, Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, Recruitment and Selection etc. to postgraduate students of Management. Dr Singh has earned his Master's Degree in Psychology from the University of Allahabad and Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. His Ph.D. dissertation, entitled "Executives under Stress: Explorations in the Structure and Dynamics," won the Best Thesis and Publication Grant Award from the Indian Council of Social Science Research. He is a recipient of the Best Human Resource Management Professor in India Award in 2012, instituted by Devang Mehta Foundation in Mumbai. He has served IIM Ranchi as Director for five years from 2017 to 2022 and has also worked as a Board Member of institutions of national importance and a Visitor nominee for IIT Delhi, NITs, and many Central Universities. Dr. Singh is interested in improving and enhancing the effectiveness of individual and organizational systems. He is keenly interested in the subject of Emotional intelligence and conducts a three-day workshop on Personal Growth through Emotional Intelligence. His current research and consulting interests include Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology and Happiness, Leadership, Stress Management, High-Performance Organizations, Creativity and Innovation, Organizational Culture, Job Attitudes, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, and Quality Issues in Organizations. He has published 6 books and more than 80 papers in journals like International Journal of Human Resource Management; Personnel Review; Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies; Management Research Review; International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management; International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behaviour; Equality Diversity and Inclusion; Psychologia; Decision; Productivity; Journal of Social Psychology; Vikalpa; Psychological Studies; Management and Labour Studies; Indian Journal of Industrial Relations; Economic and Political Weekly; Journal of Health Management; Indian Journal of Applied Psychology; Psychology and Developing Societies; IIMB Management Review etc. Dr. Singh served as President of the National Academy of Psychology during 2013-14 and was elected a Fellow in 2017. Besides that he is a member of many professional bodies, including the Academy of Management at Pace University, USA; An International Affiliate of APA; All India Management Association, New Delhi; National HRD Network; Indian Academy of Management India; Indian Science Congress Association; and the Indian Institute of Public Administration. He is currently serving as a Chief Editor- of a peer-reviewed journal, Metamorphosis: A Journal of Management Research. Selected PublicationsTripathi, D., Singh, S., & Varma, A. (2023). Perceptions of politics and organizational citizenship behavior: political skill and conscientiousness as moderators. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 17(1), 170-184. Singh, S. (2023). Happiness-LMX Relationship: Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support & Resilience. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(1), 100-114. Singh, S. (2022). Editorial. IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies, 1(1), 1-3. Jha, R., Kumar, M., & Singh, S. (2022). Strategic Leadership & Business Performance - A Mediation Model. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 57(3), 450-465. Vachhrajani, M., Singh, S. & Rai, H. (2020). The mediating role of justice perceptions in the linkage between ethical leadership and employee outcomes: A study of Indian professionals. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 20(4), 488- 509. Tripathi, P., & Singh, S. (2020). Work-life benefits and employee well-being: Role of perceived organizational support and Self -efficacy. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 56 (2), 304-319. Minai, M. H., Jauhari, H., Kumar, M., & Singh, S. (2020). Unpacking transformational leadership: dimensional analysis with psychological empowerment. Personnel Review, 49(7), 1419-1434. Singh, S., Varma, A. and Minai, M.H. (2020). Guest editorial. Personnel Review, 49(7), 1329-1341. Singh, S., & Gupta, V. (2019). Organizational performance research in India: A review and future research agenda. In G. Misra (Ed.), ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Psychology (Vol. 3: Psychology of organizations, pp. 1-93). New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press. Raguraman, P.G., Singh, S., & Sinha, S. (2019). Increasing resilience reservoir: Experience of senior corporate executives. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 55(2), 292-305. Marathe, G., Singh, S. & Balasubramanian, G. (2018). Integrating Business-Society dichotomy through spiritual lens. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 54(2), 199-214. Shukla, A., Singh, S., Rai, H., & Bhattacharya, A. (2018). Employee empowerment leading to flexible role orientation: A disposition-based contingency framework. IIMB Management Review, 30(4), 330-342. Gupta, V. & Singh, S., & Bhattacharya, A. (2017). The relationships between Leadership, Work engagement and Employee innovative performance: empirical evidence from the Indian R&D context. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(07), p.1750055. Jauhari, H., Singh, S., & Kumar, M. (2017). How does transformational leadership influence proactive customer service behavior of frontline service employees? examining the mediating roles of psychological empowerment and affective commitment. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 30(1), 30-48. Minai M. H., Singh S., & Varma A. (2016). Approaches to Leading for Innovation. In S. Munjal & S. Kundu (Eds.) Human Capital and Innovation. pp 39–72. Palgrave. Kumar, M., Jauhari, H., & Singh, S. (2016). Organizational Citizenship Behavior & Employee Well-being. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 51(4), 594–608. Shukla, A., & Singh, S. (2016). Facets of academic excellence in management education: conceptualization and instrument development in India. Studies in Higher Education, 41(11), 1883-1899. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2015). Leadership and creative performance behaviours in R & D Laboratories. Examining the mediating role of Justice perceptions. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 22(1), 21-36. Shukla, A. & Singh, S. (2015). Psychological ownership: Scale development and validation in the Indian context. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 10(2), 230-251. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2014). Psychological capital as a mediator of the relationship between leadership and creative performance behaviors: empirical evidence from the Indian R&D sector. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(10), 1373-1394. Shukla, A. & Singh, S. (2014). Employee involvement and flexible role orientation: A moderated mediated model. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49 (4), 663-676. Shukla, A. & Singh, S. (2014). The role of psychological ownership in linkage between organizational justice and citizenship behaviour: evidence from India. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 9(2), 248-266. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2013). An empirical study of study of the dimensionality of organizational justice and its relationship with organizational citizenship behaviour in Indian context. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 24, 1277–1299. Gupta, V. & Singh, S., Khatri, N. (2013). Creativity in research and development laboratories: a new scale for leader behaviours. IIMB Management Review, 25, 83-90. Shukla, A. & Singh, S. (2013). Psychological capital and citizenship behaviour: Evidence from Telecom sector in India. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49, 97-110. Shukla, A. & Singh, S. (2013). Linking job autonomy and turnover intention through psychological ownership. In Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences, and Management and Human Behaviour (SMHB). Zurich, Switzerland, pp.57-61. Jauhari, H. & Singh, S. (2013). Perceived diversity climate and employee’ organizational loyalty. Equality Diversity and Inclusion, 32, 262-276. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2013). Developing a scale for measuring ability-based Emotional intelligence in Indian context. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Vol. 6, No. 3, 274-299. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2013). How leaders impact employee creativity: A study of Indian R&D Laboratories. Management Research Review, 36(1), 66-88. Kumar, M., Singh, S., Rai, H., & Bhattacharya, A. (2012). Measuring humane orientation through social exchange and organizational identification facilitation and control of burnout and intent to quit. International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behaviour, 15(4), 520-547. Gupta, V. & Singh, S. (2012). Empirical evaluation of dimensionality of organizational citizenship behaviour for Indian business context. Psychological Studies, 57(4), 392-403. Kumar, M. & Singh, S. (2012). Role of Perceived exchange quality and organizational identification in predicting turnover intention. IIMB Management Review, 24, 5-15. Singh, S. (2012). Enhancing organizational competitiveness: Role of organizational culture. In S.Singh (Ed.), Global competition and competitiveness of Indian Corporates. (pp. 67-82). New Delhi: Macmillan. Kumar, M. & Singh, S. (2012). Leader-member exchange and perceived organizational justice. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(2), 277-289. Gupta, V. & Singh, S.(2011). Development of A Causal Framework Linking Leadership To Employee Creativity. Southern Management Association SMA-2011 Proceedings-Page00132. Singh, S. & Singh, V.P. (2011). Performance of health care organizations: Can organizational culture make difference? In Pandey, J., Sinha, T.N., & Sinha, A.K. (Eds.), Dialogue for Development.(pp.75-87). New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company. Gupta, V. & Singh, S.(2010). Developing a set of high performance HRM practices and exploring its relationship with OCB and organizational justice. Southern Management Association (SMA) Proceedings, p0464 Sinha, J. B. P., Singh, S., Gupta, P., Srivastava, K. B. L. & Sinha, R. B. N. et al. (2010). An exploration of the Indian Mindset Psychological Studies (March 2010), 55(1):3–17. Singh, K. & Singh, S. (2010) Emotional Intelligence of communication for Enhancing Agricultural Productivity. Sinhgad International Business Review, 1(1), 61-64. Singh, S. (2006). Emotional intelligence among junior leaders: Relationship with organizational citizenship. In P. Singh, J. Bhatanagar, & A. Bhandarker (Eds.), Future of work: Mastering challenge (pp.253-270). New Delhi: Excel Books. Singh, S. (2004). Development of a measure of emotional intelligence. Psychological Studies, Vol. 49, 136-141. |