Book Chapters- Definitions, Reviews and Critiques of Emotional Intelligence

Abraham, R. (2005). Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: A Review and Synthesis. In R. Schulze & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: An international handbook (pp. 255-270). Ashland, OH: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

Austin, E. J., & Saklofske, D. H. (2005). Far Too Many Intelligences? On the Communalities and Differences Between Social, Practical, and Emotional Intelligences. In R. Schulze & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: An international handbook (pp. 107-128). Ashland, OH: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

Averill, J. R. (2007). Together again: Emotion and intelligence reconciled. In G. Matthews, M. Zeidner & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), The science of emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns (pp. 49-71). xix, New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Barrett, L. F., & Gross, J. J. (2001). Emotional intelligence: A process model of emotion representation and regulation. In T. J. Mayne & G. A. Bonanno (Eds.), Emotions: Currrent issues and future directions (pp. 286-310). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Brody, N. (2006). Beyond g. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp. 161-185). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Burns, N. R., Bastian, V. A., & Nettelbeck, T. (2007). Emotional intelligence: More than personality and cognitive ability? In G. Matthews, M. Zeidner & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), The science of emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns (pp. 167-196). xix, New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Caruso, D. (2008). Emotions and the ability model of emotional intelligence. In R. J. Emmerling, V. K. Shawwal & M. K. Mandal (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: Theoretical and cultural perspectives (pp. 1-16). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Ciarrochi, J. (2006). The current state of emotional intelligence research: Answers to some old questions and the discovery of some new ones. In J. Ciarrochi, J. R. Forgas & J. D. Mayer (Eds.), Emotional intelligence in everyday life (2nd ed ) (pp. 251-260). Hove, England: Psychology Press/Erlbaum (UK) Taylor & Francis.

Ciarrochi, J., & Blackledge, J. T. (2006). Emotional intelligence and interpersonal behavior: A theory and review of the literature. In J. P. Forgas (Ed.), Affect in social thinking and behavior (pp. 291-310). New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Daus, C. S. (2006). The Case for an Ability-Based Model of Emotional Intelligence. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp. 301-324). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Day, A. L., & Kelloway, E. K. (2004). Emotional intelligence in the workplace: Rhetoric and reality. In G. Geher (Ed.), Measuring emotional intelligence: Common ground and controversy (pp. 219-241). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Elfenbein, H. A., Marsh, A. A., & Ambady, N. (2002). Emotional intelligence and the recognition of emotion from facial expressions. In L. F. Barrett & P. Salovey (Eds.), The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence (pp. 37-59). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Flury, J., & Ickes, W. (2001). Emotional intelligence and empathic accuracy. In J. Ciarrochi, J. P. Forgas & J. D. Mayer (Eds.), Emotional intelligence in everyday life: A scientific inquiry (pp. 113-132). New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Forgas, J. P., & Wyland, C. L. (2006). Affective intelligence: Understanding the role of affect in everyday social behavior. In J. Ciarrochi, J. R. Forgas & J. D. Mayer (Eds.), Emotional intelligence in everyday life (2nd ed ) (pp. 77-99). Hove, England: Psychology Press/Erlbaum (UK) Taylor & Francis.

Freeland, E. M., Terry, R. A., & Rodgers, J. L. (2008). Emotional intelligence: What's in a name? In J. C. Cassady & M. A. Eissa (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: Perspectives on educational and positive psychology (pp. 93-117). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.

Furnham, A. (2006). Explaining the Popularity of Emotional Intelligence. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp (pp. 141-159). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Gowing, M. K., O'Leary, B. S., Brienza, D., Cavallo, K., & Crain, R. (2006). A Practitioner's Research Agenda: Exploring Real-World Applications and Issues. In V. U. Druskat, F. Sala & G. Mount (Eds.), Linking emotional intelligence and performance at work: Current research evidence with individuals and groups (pp. 245-265). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Grewal, D. D., & Salovey, P. (2006). Benefits of Emotional Intelligence. In M. Csikszentmihalyi & I. S. Csikszentmihalyi (Eds.), A life worth living: Contributions to positive psychology (pp. 104-119). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Gross, J. J., & John, O. P. (2002). Wise emotion regulation. In L. F. Barrett & P. Salovey (Eds.), The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence (pp. 297-319). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Hedlund, J., & Sternberg, R. J. (2000). Too many intelligences? Integrating social, emotional, and practical intelligence. In R. Bar-On & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), The handbook of emotional intelligence: Theory, development, assessment, and application at home, school, and in the workplace (pp. 136-167). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Hogan, R., & Stokes, L. W. (2006). Business Susceptibility to Consulting Fads: The Case of Emotional Intelligence. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp (pp. 263-280). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Huang, G.-h., Law, K. S., & Wong, C.-S. (2006). Emotional Intelligence: A Critical Review. In L. V. Wesley (Ed.), Intelligence: New research (pp. 95-113). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Izard, C., Trentacosta, C., King, K., Morgan, J., & Diaz, M. (2007). Emotions, emotionality, and intelligence in the development of adaptive behavior. In G. Matthews, M. Zeidner & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), The science of emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns (pp. 127-150). New York, NY: Oxford University Press; US.

Jordan, P. J., Ashton-James, C. E., & Ashkanasy, N. M. (2006). Evaluating the Claims: Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp. 189-210). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Jordan, P. J. (2007). Emotional intelligence at work: A review of research. In A. Glendon, B. M. Thompson & B. Myors (Eds.), Advances in organisational psychology (pp. 355-370). Bowen Hills, QLD, Australia: Australian Academic Press.

Jordan, P. J., Ashkanasy, N. M., & Ascough, K. W. (2007). Emotional intelligence in organizational behavior and industrial-organizational psychology. In G. Matthews, M. Zeidner & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), The science of emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns (pp. 356-375). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Jordan, P. J. (2008). The use of emotional intelligence in business: Resolving varying definitions and measures and their relationship to work performance. In N. M. Ashkanasy & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), Research companion to emotion in organizations (pp. 211-225). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Jordan, P. J., Murray, J. P., & Lawrence, S. A. (2009). The application of emotional intelligence in industrial and organizational psychology. In C. Stough, D. H. Saklofske & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), Assessing emotional intelligence: Theory, research, and applications (pp. 171-190). New York, NY: Springer Science + Business Media.

Landy, F. J. (2006). The Long, Frustrating, and Fruitless Search for Social Intelligence: A Cautionary Tale. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp. 81-123). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

MacCann, C., Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (2004). The assessment of emotional intelligence: On frameworks, fissures, and the future. In G. Geher (Ed.), Measuring emotional intelligence: Common ground and controversy (pp. 21-52). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

MacCann, C., Schulze, R., Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (2008). Emotional intelligence as pop science, misled science, and sound science: A review and critical synthesis of perspectives from the field of psychology. In N. C. Karafyllis & G. Ulshofer (Eds.), Sexualized brains (pp. 131-148). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (2005). Emotional Intelligence: An Elusive Ability? In O. Wilhelm & R. W. Engle (Eds.), Handbook of understanding and measuring intelligence (pp. 79-99). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Matthews, G., Emo, A. K., Roberts, R. D., & Zeidner, M. (2006). What Is This Thing Called Emotional Intelligence? In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp. 3-36). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (2007). Emotional intelligence: Consensus, controversies, and questions. In G. Matthews, M. Zeidner & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), The science of emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns (pp. 3-46). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Mayer, J. D., & Salovey, P. (1997). What is emotional intelligence? In P. Salovey & D. J. Sluyter (Eds.), Emotional development and emotional intelligence: Educational implications (pp. 3-34). New York, NY: Basic Books.

Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P., & Caruso, D. R. (2000). Emotional intelligence as zeitgeist, as personality, and as a mental ability. In R. Bar-On & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), The handbook of emotional intelligence: Theory, development, assessment, and application at home, school, and in the workplace (pp. 92-117). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Mayer, J. D. (2001). A field guide to emotional intelligence. In J. Ciarrochi, J. P. Forgas & J. D. Mayer (Eds.), Emotional intelligence in everyday life: A scientific inquiry (pp. 3-24). New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Mayer, J. D. (2001). Emotion, intelligence, and emotional intelligence. In J. P. Forgas (Ed.), Handbook of affect and social cognition (pp. 410-431). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Mayer, J. D., & Salovey, P. (2004). What is emotional intelligence? In P. Salovey, M. A. Brackett & J. D. Mayer (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: Key readings on the Mayer and Salovey model (pp. 29-59). Port Chester, NY: Dude Publishing.

Mayer, J. D. (2006). A new field guide to emotional intelligence. In J. Ciarrochi, J. R. Forgas & J. D. Mayer (Eds.), Emotional intelligence in everyday life (2nd ed ) (pp. 3-26). Hove, England: Psychology Press/Erlbaum (UK) Taylor & Francis.

Mayer, J. D., & Ciarrochi, J. (2006). Clarifying concepts related to emotional intelligence: A proposed glossary. In J. Ciarrochi, J. R. Forgas & J. D. Mayer (Eds.), Emotional intelligence in everyday life (2nd ed ) (pp. 261-267). Hove, England: Psychology Press/Erlbaum (UK) Taylor & Francis.

Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P., Caruso, D. R., & Cherkasskiy, L. (2011). Emotional intelligence The Cambridge handbook of intelligence (pp. 528-549). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; US.

McCallum, M., & Piper, W. E. (2000). Psychological mindedness and emotional intelligence. In R. Bar-On & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), The handbook of emotional intelligence: Theory, development, assessment, and application at home, school, and in the workplace (pp. 118-135). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Menges, J. I. (2012). Organizational Emotional Intelligence: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Implications In N. M. Ashkanasy, C. E. J. Härtel & W. J. Zerbe (Eds.), Research on Emotion in Organizations (Vol. 8, pp. 355 - 373): Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Murphy, K. R. (2006). Four Conclusions About Emotional Intelligence. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp. 345-354). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Murphy, K. R., & Sideman, L. (2006). The Fadification of Emotional Intelligence. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp. 283-299). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Murphy, K. R., & Sideman, L. (2006). The Two EIs. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp. 37-58). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Neubauer, A. C., & Freudenthaler, H. H. (2005). Models of Emotional Intelligence. In R. Schulze & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: An international handbook (pp. 31-50). Ashland, OH: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

Niedenthal, P. M., Dalle, N., & Rohmann, A. (2002). Emotional response categorization as emotionally intelligent behavior. In L. F. Barrett & P. Salovey (Eds.), The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence (pp. 167-190). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

O'Sullivan, M., & Ekman, P. (2004). Facial expression recognition and emotional intelligence. In G. Geher (Ed.), Measuring emotional intelligence: Common ground and controversy (pp. 91-111). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Palmer, B., Gignac, G., Ekermans, G., & Stough, C. (2008). A Comprehensive Framework for Emotional Intelligence. In R. J. Emmerling, V. K. Shawwal & M. K. Mandal (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: Theoretical and cultural perspectives (pp. 17-38). New York, NY: Nova Science Publisher.

Peart, F. M., Roan, A. M., & Ashkanasy, N. M. (2012). Trading in Emotions: A Closer Examination of Emotional Labor. In N. M. Ashkanasy, C. E. J. Härtel & W. J. Zerbe (Eds.), Research on Emotion in Organizations (Vol. 8, pp. 279 - 303): Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Petrides, K. V., Furnham, A., & Mavroveli, S. (2007). Trait emotional intelligence: Moving forward in the field of EI. In G. Matthews, M. Zeidner & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), The science of emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns (pp. 151-166). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Roberts, R. D., Schulze, R., Zeidner, M., & Matthews, G. (2005). Understanding, Measuring, and Applying Emotional Intelligence. In R. Schulze & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: An international handbook (pp. 311-341). Ashland, OH: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

Roberts, R. D., Zeidner, M., & Matthews, G. (2007). Emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns. In G. Matthews, M. Zeidner & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), The science of emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns (pp. 419-474). xix, New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Rooy, D. L. V., Dilchert, S., Vlswesvaran, C., & Ones, D. S. (2006). Multiplying Intelligences: Are General, Emotional, and Practical Intelligences Equal? In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp. 235-262). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Russell, J. A., & Barchard, K. A. (2002). Toward a shared language for emotion and emotional intelligence. In L. F. Barrett & P. Salovey (Eds.), The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence (pp. 363-382). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Saarni, C. (2000). Emotional competence: A developmental perspective. In R. Bar-On & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), The handbook of emotional intelligence: Theory, development, assessment, and application at home, school, and in the workplace (pp. 68-91). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Salovey, P., Mayer, J. D., Goldman, S. L., Turvey, C., & Palfai, T. P. (1995). Emotional attention, clarity, and repair: Exploring emotional intelligence using the Trait Meta-Mood Scale. In J. W. Pennebaker (Ed.), Emotion, disclosure, & health (pp. 125-154). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Salovey, P., Mayer, J. D., & Caruso, D. (2002). The positive psychology of emotional intelligence. In C. R. Snyder & S. J. Lopez (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology (pp. 159-171). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Salovey, P., & Pizarro, D. A. (2003). The value of emotional intelligence. In R. J. Sternberg, J. Lautrey & T. I. Lubart (Eds.), Models of intelligence: International perspectives (pp. 263-278). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Salovey, P., Caruso, D., & Mayer, J. D. (2004). Emotional Intelligence in Practice. In P. A. Linley & S. Joseph (Eds.), Positive psychology in practice (pp. 447-463). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. D. (2004). Emotional intelligence. In P. Salovey, M. A. Brackett & J. D. Mayer (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: Key readings on the Mayer and Salovey model (pp. 1-27). Port Chester, NY: Dude Publishing.

Salovey, P., Mayer, J. D., Caruso, D., & Yoo, S. H. (2008). The positive psychology of emotional intelligence. In J. C. Cassady & M. A. Eissa (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: Perspectives on educational and positive psychology (pp. 185-208). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.

Salovey, P., Mayer, J. D., Caruso, D., & Yoo, S. H. (2009). The positive psychology of emotional intelligence. In S. J. Lopez & C. R. Snyder (Eds.), Oxford handbook of positive psychology (2nd ed., pp. 237-248). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Scherer, K. R. (2007). Componential emotion theory can inform models of emotional competence. In G. Matthews, M. Zeidner & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), The science of emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns (pp. 101-126). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Schulze, R., Roberts, R. D., Zeidner, M., & Matthews, G. (2005). Theory, Measurement, and Applications of Emotional Intelligence: Frames of Reference. In R. Schulze & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: An international handbook (pp. 3-29). Ashland, OH: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

Spector, P. E., & Johnson, H.-A. M. (2006). Improving the Definition, Measurement, and Application of Emotional Intelligence. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), A critique of emotional intelligence: What are the problems and how can they be fixed? (pp. 325-344). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Stough, C., Saklofske, D. H., & Parker, J. D. A. (2009). A brief analysis of 20 years of emotional intelligence: An introduction to assessing emotional intelligence: Theory, research, and applications. In C. Stough, D. H. Saklofske & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), Assessing emotional intelligence: Theory, research, and applications (pp. 3-8). New York, NY: Springer Science + Business Media.

Tugade, M. M., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2002). Positive emotions and emotional intelligence. In L. F. Barrett & P. Salovey (Eds.), The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence (pp. 319-340). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Tugade, M. M., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2008). Positive emotions and emotional intelligence. In J. C. Cassady & M. A. Eissa (Eds.), Emotional intelligence: Perspectives on educational and positive psychology (pp. 145-167). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.

Wang, G., Seibert, S. E., & Boles, T. L. (2011). Synthesizing What We Know and Looking Ahead: A Meta-Analytical Review of 30 Years of Emotional Labor Research. In C. E. J. Härtel, N. M. Ashkanasy & W. J. Zerbe (Eds.), Research on Emotion in Organizations (Vol. 7, pp. 15 - 43): Emerald Group Publishing Limited.







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