The Economic Value of Emotional Intelligence Competencies and EIC-Based HR Programs

By: Lyle Spencer

Competency International

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Original Reference - Reprinted With Permission
Spencer, L. M. (2000). The economic value of emotional intelligence competencies and EIC-based HR programs. In Goleman, D. and C. Cherniss,The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace: How to Select for, Measure, and Improve Emotional Intelligence in Individuals, Groups, and Organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


In this chapter from the book The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace, Dr. Lyle Spencer provides professional, ethical and legal reasons for establishing the reliability and validity of any EIC measure or HR practices based on EI "that affect an employee's status in an organization, thus subject to scrutiny for adverse impact, outlining specific methods for calculating the economic value (EVA) added by EIC. Also included are meta-analytic findings for the effect size changes and EVA EIC-based selection, training and performance management can provide, as well as protocols for developing "business cases" for EI research and applications: value analysis, expected value added, sensitivity analysis,cost: benefit and return on investment calculation. The chapter also provides data collection instruments and spreadsheet templates for all analyses discussed.







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