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Fabrizio Gerli, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia |
BiographyFabrizio Gerli is Associate Professor of Business Organization and Human Resources Management at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, where he received his Ph.D. in Management with a doctoral dissertation on “Competency Development in Managerial Education”. He is also one of the founders and the Director of the Ca' Foscari Competency Centre (a research centre aimed to assess and develop the behavioral competencies in higher education contexts) and the Scientific Coordinator of post-graduate courses in Human Resources Management at Ca’ Foscari. He is also member of the Board of Directors of Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari. He has been in charge of several research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Labor, the Italian Ministry of Research, the European Institute of Public Administration and the European Social Fund. He has been visiting professor at HIBA (Higher Institute for Business Administration) in Damascus. He was also the founder and Scientific Director of the Master Program in Innovation Management and the Scientific Director of the full-time MBA at Fondazione CUOA Business School, where he was the Scientific Director of the Competency Development Department. His research interests embrace the fields of Human Resources Management, Organizational Design and Organizational Behavior. Some of his recent research activities include inter-firm and inter-industry competency modeling, the impact of management education on the emotional competency portfolio, the relationship between emotional competencies and career advancement, the relation between entrepreneurs’ competencies and their firm’s performance, the key jobs’ competency portfolio in specific industries (such as footwear, automobile, food, furniture, internet), the role of individual competencies in the implementation of lean manufacturing, the HR outsourcing processes and the impact of different organizational learning orientations on the individuals. His research has been presented in several international conferences and workshops, such as AOM (Academy of Management), EURAM (European Academy of Management), BAM (British academy of management), EGOS (European Group of Organizational Studies), IWHRM (International Workshop on Human Resources Management), ICEI (International Congress of Emotional Intelligence), EUROMA (European Operations Management Association) and ISBE (Institute for Small Business Entrepreneurship) and has been published in various journals, including: Industrial Relations, European Management Journal, Journal of Management Development, Cross Cultural Management, International Journal of Training and Development. ArticlesBonesso S., Gerli F., Scapolan A., 2014, “The individual side of ambidexterity: Do individuals' perceptions match actual behaviors in reconciling the exploration and exploitation trade-off?”, in European Management Journal, vol. 32, pp. 392-405. Gerli F., Tognazzo A., Gubitta P., 2013, “What makes Italian SME Entrepreneurs successful? The leverage effect of relational competencies”, in Small Business, Vol. 3, pp. 71-97. Camuffo A., Gerli F., Gubitta P., 2012, “Competencies Matter: Modeling Effective Entrepreneurship in North East of Italy Small Firms”, in Cross Cultural Management: an International Journal, Vol. 19(1), pp. 48-66. Camuffo A., Gerli F., Borgo S., Somià T., 2009, “The Effects of Management Education on Careers and Compensation”, in Journal of Management Development, Vol. 28 No 9, pp. 839-858. Camuffo A., Gerli F., 2007, “Competent Production Supervisors”, in Industrial Relations, Vol. 46 No. 4, October, pp. 728-737. Camuffo A., Gerli F., 2004, “An Integrated Competency-Based Approach to Management Education: an Italian MBA Case Study”, in International Journal of Training and Development, 8:4. Book ChaptersComacchio A., Gerli F., Scapolan A., Bonesso S., 2008, “HR Outsourcing in Italy”, in Martin G., Reddington M., Alexander H. (Eds.), Technology, Outsourcing & Trasforming HR, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford. Camuffo A., Gerli F., Chiara F., 2006, “Tracking careers to improve competency-based management education: a longitudinal study of Italian MBAs”, in Wankel, C., DeFillippi, R., New Visions of Graduate Management Education; Research in Management Education and Development Series, Volume 5, Information Age Publishers, Greenwich. Gerli F., Giacomon P.L., Frigo C., 2005, “Carriere digitali e sviluppo individuale” (Digital careers and individual development), in Costa G., Giacomon P.L., Vallario, G. (Eds.), Carriere digitali, Il Sole 24 Ore Libri, Milano. Gerli F., Chiara F., Vecchiato A., 2005, “Manager pubblici e performance eccellenti” (Public administration’s managers and excellent performances), in Panozzo, F. (Eds.), Pubblica Amministrazione e competitività territoriale, FrancoAngeli, Milano. Camuffo A., Gerli F., Romano P., Vinelli A., 2004, “New Perspectives in Industrial Relocation from West to East Europe: The North-East Italy-Romania Case”, in Faust M., Voskamp U., Wittke V. (Eds.), European Industrial Restructuring in a Global Economy: Fragmentation and Relocation of Value Chains, SOFI Berichte, Göttingen. Gerli F., Caporossi B., 1999, “Le competenze degli uffici amministrativi” (The competencies needed for accounting offices), in Comacchio A. (Eds.), L’ufficio che cambia. Nuove competenze per le professioni impiegatizie, Etas Libri, Milano.