Maria Vakola, Ph.D.

member emotional intelligence consortium

Affiliation: Athens University of Economics and Business


Maria Vakola is an organisational psychologist and she is currently working as an Associate Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece.  Maria has published in a number of journals such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Communications of the ACM, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, International Journal of Human Resources Management. She has published three books and the latest one is titled ‘Organizational Behaviour and Psychology’. She teaches organisational behaviour and change management in an undergraduate, postgraduate and executive level and she has received awards for teaching excellence. Maria has extensive experience in executive training and her more recent collaborations are with companies such as AB Vassilopoulos (Delhaize group), Groupama, Vodafone etc. Maria has received an innovation award from the Hellenic Management Association for the non profit initiative against unemployment,


Vakola, M. (2013), ‘ Multilevel readiness to change: A conceptual approach’ Journal of Change Management, Special issue on readiness for change, 13(1) pp 96-109

Coyne, I., Gentile, D., Born, M., Cem, N., & Vakola, M., (2013) ‘The relationship between productive and counterproductive work behavior across four European countries’, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22(4) pp 377-389

Tomprou, M., Nikolaou, I.,& Vakola, M.(2012) Experiencing organizational change in Greece: the framework of psychological contract, International Journal of Human Resources Management, 23(2), 385-405

Oreg, Sh. Vakola, M. & Armenakis, Ach.,(2011) Change recipients reactions to organizational change: A sixty-year review of quantitative studies , Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, 47(4), 461–524

Nikolaou, I., Vakola, M & Bouradas, D.,(2011) The role of silence on employees attitudes “the day after” a merger, Personnel Review, 40(6), 723-741

Nikolaou, I., Vakola, M & Bouradas, D., (2008) Who speaks up at work? Dispositional influences on employees’ voice behaviour, Personnel Review, 37(6), 666-679

Nikolaou, I., Gouras, A., Vakola, M. & Bouradas (2007) Selecting change agents: Exploring traits and skills in a simulated environment. Journal of Change Management Vol 7, 3-4, pp291-313

Nikolaou, I., Tomprou, M. & Vakola, M. (2007). Individuals’ Inducements and the Role of Personality: Implications for Psychological Contracts. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22, 649-663.

Vakola, M. & Nikolaou, I. (2005). Attitudes towards organizational change: What is the role of employees’ stress and commitment? Employee Relations, 27, 160-174.

Vakola, M, Tsaousis, I & Nikolaou, I. (2004). The role of emotional intelligence and personality variables on attitudes toward organisational change. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19, 88-110.

Book Chapters

Nikolaou, I., Vakola, M. & Robertson, I.T. (2006). 360 degree feedback and leadership development. In R. Burke & C. L. Cooper (Eds.) Inspiring Leaders. London: Taylor & Francis.

Vakola, M., & Nikolaou, I. (2002). Organisational readiness for organisational change: The role of strategy, culture and human resource management. In F. Analoui (Ed.) The Changing Patterns of Human Resource Management (pp. 270-283). Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.







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